
Special Delivery

Meal-delivery services with a health-conscious twist simplify even the most complicated Las Vegas lifestyles

A growing trend in Las Vegas, health-conscious meal preparation and delivery services offer programs tailored to your diet and delivered to your doorstep. This type of service isn’t new, but here’s the twist: The food is actually delicious. And flavorful recipes (think grilled filet mignon) attract the most discriminating foodies, while respecting their dietary goals.

The Long Term Effects of That Fast Food Meal

No matter where you live, the Fast Food Machine (FFM) will try to get you. They want you, me and everyone that ever eats a meal (yeah, in other words everyone!) or has a dollar in their pocket to support their ever-expanding empire, which is built on a sickening foundation of the cheapest, most processed “food” that contributes to myriad diseases and sickness.

So what I propose to do here is to start you thinking, really thinking, about the implications of every fast food meal. Some will say “Everything in moderation,” but I say not so with fast food. Each fast food meal digests to leave hormones, steroids, next-to-impossible to digest oils, cheap refined sugars and so many other horrible substances in your body that we made a whole infographic (below) on the subject.

Please share this with friends and family members that eat fast food. Maybe next time old Micky D’s calls out to them they turn their back and go somewhere healthier to eat or just eat a simple, but infinitely healthier meal at home.


Greens and Proteins Receives Best Appetizer Award

Greens and Proteins is proud to announce we took home the “Best Appetizer Award” at last nights 2012 American Heart Association’s “Flavors of the Heart food festival!”  Thank you to everyone who showed up and supported such a great cause.


The Elvis Monroe Band Grabs Lunch at Greens and Proteins

The Elvis Monroe Band were in Henderson’s hot spot Greens and Proteins this afternoon having Wellness Shakes, Turkey Burgers and Vegan Pizza’s! Their performing monthly at Red Rock Casino starting this Saturday night… Pictured: Bryan Hopkins, Ben Carey, Matt Nelson and Ryan MacMillan.


Greens and Proteins Featured in Desert Companion

Restaurant cuisine that’s healthy and filling? Tough sell. And that actually tastes good? Even tougher. Hitting all three is the goal of Greens & Proteins, a “healthy fast food” spot where vegan yoginis, UFC powerhouses and average Joes can dine in harmony.


Las Vegas Weekly: Best Dining On A Diet

f you’re watching your waistline and haven’t eaten here yet, you’re missing out. Everything on the menu comes with a calorie count to take the guesswork out of ordering, and you’ll be surprised how decadent 377 calories can taste.

